People need certainty that they will have a roof over their head, a job to go to in the morning and food on the table at night. Change is a ‘given’ in life, however, too much can bring about uncertainty which, in my opinion, doesn’t help the stability of a community (or a nation). Yet, above all this, Sleeping Dogs turned out to be quite prophetic.Ĭhange is all about us at the moment, more so than I have ever seen in over fifty years of living in New Zealand. It was during the time when movies were pushing the boundaries of society (and of the censors) with swearing, explicit sex and gratuitous violence. While it launched the career of Sam Neill, it was the first feature-length 35mm film produced entirely in New Zealand.

The 1977 Roger Donaldson (later of the ‘World’s Fastest Indian’ fame) film ‘Sleeping Dogs’ turned out to be move than just a unique NZ made movie.